Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Peanuts are People Too

Hey there all of you Peanutty People out there. In case you've never heard, Peanuts are People too! In honor of a great friend (actually my bestest friend), a great day, and great dessert(s), I wrote a little ode I like to call "Peanuts are Piggy too" to commemorate the blessed event. Ames, you're the best.

Peanuts are Piggy too...

What to do on a sunny Monday afternoon?
Should we go to work, go to school, or go to Lagoon?
Nah, let's ditch all real life and just play,
at the hotel El Clubo we will stay!

The guest list will only include,
A cute peanut, piggy pig, and lots of food.
Hey, it's out party so we get to decide,
We can not be disturbed when we hide!

What to eat when we are so starved?
Sandwiches, potatoes, or maybe a turkey carved?
N0!, our motto is "does it have sugar in it?
Then YES! Hey, our stomachs are a pit!

Several pies, icecream, and PB balls later,
We love sugar, don't be a hater.
We felt much happier and could finally "relax"
what to do next you will ask?

Well we decided to get a little fresh air,
On toTemple Square, just Amy and Claire,
We looked at the beautiful flowers in the gardens,
And said hi to the sister missionaries by the thousands.

We staggered back to home to watch Fool's Gold,
"the stupidest movie", or so we were told.
It turns out that the movie is legit,
Too legit, too legit to quit.

Amy had to run home right after that,
I guess it was okay because we were already fat,
with treats and laughter, what a perfect day,
I love you my peanutty pie, what more can I say!

Peanuts can be piggies it turns out,
But can Piggies be peanuts? I dont know 'bout...

Thanks Peanut for finally coming to play,
and to all a goodnight, and a good day!

It's true.

Wow, that has got to be the gayest poem/ode that I have ever wrote before (and trust me THAT is saying something), but what can I say? Amy you inspire the best in me! ha ha Let's get together again soon...you know maybe sometime before you have little Nicky! that would be fun. You look so great. Thanks for being you. Miss you tons and tons already!

1 comment:

The Romney Family said...

Ahh! So classic--this poem is truly a work of literary genius. I mean, no joke, a MASTERPIECE. I can just see it now: someday this poem will be found in libraries across the globe (right next to the entire Nicholas Sparks collection! :) Seriously, though, you're adorable. Thanks so much for putting so much time and effort into a good laugh for me. :) So glad it didn't end up lost in cyberspace like we thought!!!